About Us


Our clinic in Everton Park has been in operation since 1997, and we have great pleasure in welcoming most of our clients as direct referrals from people who have enjoyed success with our services. Carol Moore, Philip Hollingdale and Glenn Chandler all hold Diplomas of Clinical Hypnotherapy. Scroll down to read more about each therapist. 

We were established in 1987, in Bardon, by David Kennedy. David went on to open clinics in Nambour on the Sunshine Coast, and then again in Everton Park, Brisbane. Glenn, David’s son-in-law, has been the principal of the Everton Park clinic since 2001. Our practice manager Rachel is David’s youngest daughter, and began working in his Nambour clinic after school, in 1992. 

We have all worked together since 2003, and in that time we have formed a strong working relationship which helps us to better serve our clients. We regularly meet to debrief and offer support and mentoring to each other, and we take part in peer and one-on-one supervision. We all bring something unique to our work, and having more than one therapist available enables us to match our clients to the person who will be most appropriate to their needs.

CLICK on Glenn, Carol and Philip’s names to learn a little more about them.

Our practice is a place where you can feel welcome to be yourself. We aim always to provide a comfortable, safe, and culturally sensitive environment to all who walk through our door. 

Our clinic in Everton Park has been in operation since 1997, and we have great pleasure in welcoming most of our clients as direct referrals from people who have enjoyed success with our services. Carol Moore, Philip Hollingdale and Glenn Chandler all hold Diplomas of Clinical Hypnotherapy. You can read more about each therapist below.

We were established in 1987, in Bardon, by David Kennedy. David went on to open clinics in Nambour on the Sunshine Coast, and then again in Everton Park, Brisbane. Glenn, David’s son-in-law, has been the principal of the Everton Park clinic since 2001. Our practice manager Rachel is David’s youngest daughter, and began working in his Nambour clinic after school, in 1992. 

We have all worked together since 2003, and in that time we have formed a strong working relationship which helps us to better serve our clients. We regularly meet to debrief and offer support and mentoring to each other, and we take part in peer and one-on-one supervision. We all bring something unique to our work, and having more than one therapist available enables us to match our clients to the person who will be most appropriate to their needs.

CLICK on Glenn, Carol and Philip’s names to learn a little more about them.

Our practice is a place where you can feel welcome to be yourself. We aim always to provide a comfortable, safe, and culturally sensitive environment to all who walk through our door. 

Glenn Chandler Castree is the Principal therapist in the Brisbane Hypnosis Centre. The basis of Glenn’s work as a hypnotherapist begins with a genuine interest in helping people achieve a true expression of themselves. He believes the primary role of the therapist is to listen without judgement, and to create opportunity for real change – with skill and efficiency, and in a way that is right for the individual. Never one to settle for conformity, Glenn is keenly aware of the expectations or conditioning placed upon people in ways that can sometimes hinder their personal growth. 

Glenn is widely read, and his therapeutic approach is a product of an open-minded engagement with many and varied philosophies. In regards to hypnotherapy, he is inspired by Joseph Barber’s approach to therapeutic change, as well as the practical elegance of Richard Bandler. Glenn has travelled throughout Queensland offering his services to people who might otherwise not have access to a hypnotherapist. For many years he ran satellite clinics in Ipswich and Caboolture, as well as maintaining a full practice in Everton Park.

Glenn studied piano at the QLD Conservatorium, an instrument for which he continues to have a great passion, and is teaching himself to play banjo. He loves working with musicians and performers. Glenn has the ability to make his mother-in-law laugh like no one else can, and favours the “Sneaky Exit” approach to parties. He is teaching himself to whistle, and wants to be a Formula One driver when he grows up. Glenn Chandler is a Clinical Member of the Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists (GoAH), and an Hypnosis Council of Australia (HCA) Registered Hypnotherapist.

Philip worked with us full-time for five years, from 2005 – 2009, and has been connected to both our clinic and our hypnotherapy training school since 2001. Well-learned, he has qualifications in Clinical Hypnotherapy and NLP. For many years he has been a practitioner to whom we’ve been confident referring clients, as Phil brings a special kindness and empathy to his skills as a hypnotherapist. Philip has a great grasp of the theory behind hypnotherapy practice, which allows him the freedom to consider new ways of working with each client according to their individual needs. He returned to our practice in 2020, and we couldn’t be happier. Phil is a Clinical Member of the Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists (GoAH), and an Hypnosis Council of Australia (HCA) Registered Hypnotherapist.

Fun fact: Phil came to the ‘rescue’ at Rachel and Glenn’s wedding in 2004, driving Rachel a whole 10 metres from her dressing room to where the ceremony was being held, after heavy rain created a muddy river where the footpath should have been …

A fact with even more fun…Philip was a presenter on Playschool in New Zealand for 2 years!

Carol Moore first became interested in hypnosis after visiting a hypnotherapist for help to quit smoking. She enjoyed profound success, and felt that she had to know more! As such, she undertook a course of study in Ericksonian Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnosis. Dedicated to bettering her already considerable skill, Carol enjoys learning new techniques, and updates her therapeutic “toolkit” regularly. She says: “I am always appreciative of peoples’ willingness to share for a moment their hopes, wishes, dreams and fears”. We feel that she has a special skill in utilising this insight to help individuals reconnect with their ideal being. She believes that through this work people can begin to believe in themselves again and can start to see themselves in new ways – leading to meaningful personal growth. Read more about Carol’s background in hypnosis here. 

Carol has been with us since 2003. A regular attendant at hypnotherapy and mindset workshops, Carol is ever willing to learn and expand her practice. She loves her work as a hypnotherapist, and loves getting to know the people who share their time with her “in the chair”. Carol brings that shining “beginners mind” openness to her hypnotherapy sessions: she doesn’t make assumptions or pre-judge people because of their presenting issue, but rather remains willing to listen and learn about her clients’ personal experiences and reasons for seeking help.

Originally a girl from the ‘Gong, she enjoys travelling: Carol has walked through Tuscany, has taken a biking and boat trip along the Danube, and has explored South-East Asia. Her heart leads her to Denmark and Sweden where her beautiful grandchildren reside. Carol Moore is a Clinical Member of the Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists (GoAH), and an Hypnosis Council of Australia (HCA) Registered Hypnotherapist.

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