What makes a good hypnotherapist?

What makes a good hypnotherapist? In his book, Trances People Live, psychotherapist Stephen Wolinsky, Ph.D, makes the statement: “Being a therapist is as much (if not more) about my own growth as it is about my clients’ … perhaps the most profound way for a person earning a living as a therapist to expand his […]
Hypnosis Success Rates, Statistics and Hypnotherapy

Thoughts from a Practice Manager on Hypnosis Success Rates I want to address a question that I am asked frequently, but which is not always easy to answer. That question is, “What are your success rates?”. Let me start by saying, very high! But of course I am going to say that, and despite the […]
Can hypnosis be used to uncover lost memories?

Can hypnosis be used to uncover lost memories? Many of us have things in our past that we cannot, for one reason or another, remember. Often, we want to uncover lost memories to help us make sense of our world. If we can’t remember, is our mind protecting us from something? Do we have to […]
How Carol Moore came to be a hypnotherapist

How Carol Moore came to be a hypnotherapist Carol Moore became a hypnotherapist because of her experience using hypnosis to quit smoking. She’s been with us here at Brisbane Hypnosis Centre since 2003. In that time, she’s been in the clinic 2-3 days a week, seeing between 3 and 5 clients a day…that’s a lot […]
Netflix’s “The Sinner” and Regression Hypnosis: That’s not how it works.

Regression hypnosis: TV usually gets it wrong Like most people, I enjoy some binge-watching of a good tv show, and I finally got around to watching “The Sinner” on Netflix last week. If you haven’t seen it, it is about a woman who commits a murder for apparently no reason, and during the investigation of […]
It’s not magic…but it kind of is

It’s not magic…but it kind of is “Each separate being in the universe returns to the common source. Returning to the source is serenity” – Lao-Tzu As part of our training course in Clinical Hypnosis, we offer a series of classes for experienced hypnotherapists based around the life’s work of David Kennedy. The title of […]
Sometimes it’s ok to ignore how you feel

When feelings aren’t your best guide Today, an article was posted on the ABC news website, which, amongst other things, referenced the rise of modern Stoicism, and one professor’s advice that we “stop navel gazing” and just get on with things (“Stand Firm: Resisting the Self-Improvement Craze”, by Mira Adler-Gillies, referencing an interview with Danish psychologist […]
Why stopping smoking seems so difficult

Why stopping smoking can seem so difficult Top reasons our clients give us: 1. The first is the obvious one – the belief that stopping is difficult. This becomes a self-fulfilling idea. If we believe something is going to be difficult, it usually turns out that way; 2. There is a deep belief that […]
Thinking Differently About Smoking

Thinking differently about smoking This piece first appeared in Holistic Bliss Magazine, October 2016. For someone who smokes and seeks to improve their life and wellness, quitting is one of the most important and meaningful changes that needs to be made. Smoking is often a cause of great struggle and distress in someone’s life. It […]
Conscious Mind / Subconscious Mind

Conscious mind/subconscious mind What’s the difference? In these pages (and all over the internet) there’s a lot of discussion about conscious mind and subconscious mind. What’s the difference? What actually is the subconscious mind? Your subconscious mind looks after the things that you don’t consciously do – the things that you can’t necessarily describe. Consciously, […]