Mindfulness, meditation and hypnosis
Mindfulness, Meditation & Hypnosis Mindfulness practices are increasingly finding a place in the lives of people seeking to optimise and improve their experience of life. While it is popular to associate mental distress with modern life, ancient practices have long held that where we are unable to self-regulate our attention we are more likely to […]
On strong minds and being hypnotised
On strong minds and being hypnotised “Although not aware of it, everyone, by means of the unconscious mind, already performs extraordinarily complex activities. For example, a man walking down a busy street is thinking of some problem. There will be all the sights and sounds which go to make up the noise and distraction […]
Talk therapy, counselling, hypnotherapy: Are they the same thing?
Talk therapy, counselling, hypnotherapy: Are they the same thing? There is a beautiful little paragraph in The House at Pooh Corner which captures the value and relief that can be had when we are troubled by something, and can talk to someone else about it: “Pooh began to feel a little more comfortable, because when […]
Sometimes it’s ok to ignore how you feel
When feelings aren’t your best guide Today, an article was posted on the ABC news website, which, amongst other things, referenced the rise of modern Stoicism, and one professor’s advice that we “stop navel gazing” and just get on with things (“Stand Firm: Resisting the Self-Improvement Craze”, by Mira Adler-Gillies, referencing an interview with Danish psychologist […]
Why stopping smoking seems so difficult
Why stopping smoking can seem so difficult Top reasons our clients give us: 1. The first is the obvious one – the belief that stopping is difficult. This becomes a self-fulfilling idea. If we believe something is going to be difficult, it usually turns out that way; 2. There is a deep belief that […]
Thinking Differently About Smoking
Thinking differently about smoking This piece first appeared in Holistic Bliss Magazine, October 2016. For someone who smokes and seeks to improve their life and wellness, quitting is one of the most important and meaningful changes that needs to be made. Smoking is often a cause of great struggle and distress in someone’s life. It […]
Conscious Mind / Subconscious Mind
Conscious mind/subconscious mind What’s the difference? In these pages (and all over the internet) there’s a lot of discussion about conscious mind and subconscious mind. What’s the difference? What actually is the subconscious mind? Your subconscious mind looks after the things that you don’t consciously do – the things that you can’t necessarily describe. Consciously, […]