Anxiety and The Fear Avalanche

Anxiety and the fear avalanche   “We often use our active imaginations in the service of fear. We think of possibilities that another person would never imagine. We expect traffic jams, terminal illnesses, and potentially embarrassing moments because we are in the habit of scaring ourselves… A fear avalanche is a chain of frightening thoughts […]

Hypnosis vs. Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis vs. hypnotherapy “Is what you do real hypnosis, or is it just hypnotherapy?” “Do you do hypnotherapy, or just hypnosis?” “Do you actually hypnotise people, or do you just do hypnotherapy?” “I want to try hypnotherapy first, and if that doesn’t work I’ll try hypnosis.” “I have seen a powerful hypnotist work, so I […]

Willpower, motivation and smoking

Willpower, motivation and smoking Now is always the right time People who don’t smoke often assume that a smoker is someone who is weak-willed. In fact, many smokers say this about themselves – that they lack the willpower to quit, even though they want to. It is a nice, neat theory, but it isn’t right. […]

Self-Love: Being a transitional character in the story

Self-love: being the transitional character in your story There is a blog called The Art of Manliness. It is mostly empowering, encouraging, and practical, although it does try and sell you a lot of things, and it’s also somewhat unnecessarily gendered. But still, wisdom may be found everywhere; they published a blog entry with the […]

What is hypnosis?

What is hypnosis? Hypnotherapy is not just relaxation, and it’s more than guided visualisation. Sometimes the best way to describe what hypnosis is involves talking about what hypnosis is not. The word “hypnosis” conjures up all kinds of associations, and in entertainment and the media we are often encouraged to believe that one of the following is true: […]

Distraction or Avoidance?

Distraction, or avoidance? When it comes to vaping and smoking, quitting shouldn’t be about denial. There are always new ideas popping up about the best things you can do when you are quitting smoking or vaping. Past theories have included chewing on carrot sticks, or cutting up straws into vape or cigarette-sized lengths and inhaling […]

Memory Recovery

Can I be hypnotised to remember something that happened in the past? We are often asked if we can help uncover a lost memory using hypnosis. What we’re talking about here is not “I have a bad memory” territory, but rather an “I think something happened to me and I’ve blocked it out” situation. It […]

Susceptibility and Suggestion: Can I be hypnotised?

Susceptibility and suggestion Can I be hypnotised? ” … the reputation of hypnosis is checkered, not because of any serious clinical liabilities associated with its use, but rather because of its misapplication and the misconceptions that inevitably follow…myths abound that hypnosis means giving up control to someone … and is dangerous. How incredibly unfortunate for […]

Anxiety is not a personality trait

Anxiety is not a personality trait We talk to people every day who are confused by the feedback they get from those around them when they communicate their anxiety. People are dismissed, or told “it’s all in your mind”. For some people, it may well be “all in the mind”…but that doesn’t mean that you […]